Bottle Tops

There’s often a lot of plastic litter on the field in summer and whilst walking with my dog, I decide to just bring some of the bottle tops together to make a sort of point about the litter, but in a colourful display. I’d been collecting bottle tops that I’d been using at home because I thought I’d do something with them. Around the time of doing this, I decided to collect further plastic bottle tops I found on the field and streets etc and add them to the growing collection I had for some sort of project. I didn’t know what it would be. In October 2018 I decided that I should use a massive “Minge” for my living room, wall, but that’s another story that isn’t part of the public art collection.
August 2017
On the playing field opposite my house
Materials / Media
Plastic bottle tops

During the day while playing with my dog Hera. I could have carried on with this but I didn’t think that was a good idea what with it still being plastic and litter.
It’s not very impressive, but it didn’t need to get big, and besides, it inspired my massive “Minge” which features in the Art & Design pages.