Shelter – Union Flag

The Stormtrooper had been ruined and a panel painted entirely in some oxide red or similar, and I decided that should be the basis for what I’d do next. I don’t know what made me think of doing the Union flag, but one thing was for sure, I had to make it a correct representation of it, and not some sort of thing that just looked like it.

Materials / Media
It took a bit of faffing about on the PC to design the graphics for the shape of the panel and then further time to mark up where all the masking tape would have to go.
As with most of these things, it had to be a warm dry night or the tape and paint wouldn’t stick.

Looked brilliantly sharp and the colours were good.. The blue is the same paint I used for building a full size TARDIS in 2005.
Duration & Fate
Daubed with ignorant “vote UKIP”, and some other unintelligible crap, and SDK (Smoke da Reefer”) but I painted over it each time, but not neatly, so it ended up looking quite grungy.
I painted over every facet inside and out with a very dark blue/grey in early 2021.