Shelter – EU Flag

I think that Brexit is the most stupid, ignorant pig-headed, delusional thing we could do to ourselves and..wait, never mind. I’ll write my essay another time. I had a UK flag on the shelter and it made good sense to balance that out with the nice EU flag, whilst it still meant something. I wanted to supplement it with a love heart to show a positive sentiment. I wait with eagerness to see how Leave supporters explain how we’re so much better off or how it wasn’t their fault when it destroys countless business, lives and the way we live.

On the field opposite my house.

I designed the flag to fit the panel but just took measurement of where the tip of each star would be and translated that to the panel.
I painted the stars white to begin with so the yellow would have optimum vibrancy.
I also replicated the same design inside the shelter, but the heart position was a bit off.
The red heart was supposed to have an even white border but I misjudged his on both counts. I should have had a better way of making that work properly but it doesn’t seem to matter overall.
Duration & Fate
They were both still in place by October 2020. The outside one was okay and virtually untouched, but the inside one had a slowly increasing amount of “damage”. I thought these would be wrecked quite quickly but maybe the local youths aren’t pro-Brexit dicks. I painted over all the shelter panels in April 2021.