Parking Sign

I saw this sign just on the edge of Leeds City Centre and thought it needed a home. Putting it well away from where it would be fitting was a big part of the idea.

On the field opposite my house.

Materials / Media
Concrete, and the sign itself.
I had to cut it off from the concrete block on an evening, return to pick it up at night (it’s over 3 metres long), straighten the sign parts, brush cut a clearing, dig a hole, make a support frame, buy bags of concrete and then install it (last night).
This was a departure from anything I’ve done before, but I really liked the idea of it. I didn’t enjoy hack-sawing where I could have been seen, or transporting it in my car with the boot part open.

Duration & Fate
It lasted about 2 days before being forced over. I bought more concrete and doubled the diameter. Someone really didn’t want it there, or wanted a destructive challenge. Within another day or so it was ragged out and dragged a couple of metres away. After that I went to retrieve it at night and took it home. That won’t be the end but I’m not quite sure what will be next for it. As of September 2021, it’s still in my back garden.