Morrisons Basket

Those basket cage things they used to put in aisles really got on my nerves because they narrowed the aisle right down wherever one was in place and no-one could effectively move around as freely.
Morrisons in Rothwell.
Materials / Media
Printed A4 paper.
There was nothing fancy about the inserts they put in the display panel, and they kept old ones stashed behind newer ones, so I took an old one that I could reproduce in the exact style. I scanned in an original and found the matching typeface to use. I could just as easily have used something that wasn’t accurate, but I always strive for this level of detail.
I just slipped it in when the aisle was quiet.
I’d like to think that management saw it or found out about it, or maybe just that a few customers saw it before it was removed. And maybe that a few staff members saw it and thought it was mildly amusing. I think I was going to do some more but I must not have had any other worthwhile ideas.
Duration & Fate
No idea. I can’t even remember if I checked it next time I was in there. I probably did, and it was probably gone.