“Bad Wolf” Graffiti

In 2005, Doctor Who made a return to TV after a long absence. I wanted it to be good, but it was just more perilous romps set in dodgy space stations, Victorian England and modern day London or Cardiff. And virtually nothing in between. Anyway, one story-line involved some recurring graffiti that said “BAD WOLF”. I have no idea what the plot was now, but I thought it would be good to join in, since no-one would really think to do this sort of thing. I thought it would be a nice real-world Easter egg type thing for anyone that enjoyed Doctor Who, even if I thought it was pants.
June 2005
The back of Rothwell Precinct, before it was demolished.

Materials / Media
Paper Stencil and Spray Paint
Fairly basic. Chose a font and printed out on several sheets of A4 paper and taped together before cutting out.

Went down after dark. Standard Operating Procedure.
A fairly boring piece really, but it was a bit of zeitgeist.