Alpha Course Billboards

I loathe all religion, and seeing adverts trying to promote brainwashing for religious nonsense gets on my nerves. These are only very small protests and I doubt the church or whatever heard of it, but it would be nice to think it got back to them somehow.
September 2011 & September 2012.
Not far from where I work, so I passed it twice a day.

Materials / Media
Laser printed A4 paper
Just knocked it up in Word with a massive font size.
I did one of these on a lunch break from work. I’d brought some PVA glue and water with me to brush it on. The second, a year later, was done late at night.
I don’t know who saw it, I don’t know if anyone liked or disliked it. I don’t get the feeling that a lot of people would have cared for the original message anyway. As vague as it was. It’s kind of weird and telling that they don’t explicitly mention religion and church and try to get people to attend courses to learn about gods and Jeebus,
Duration & Fate
However long these sorts of billboard ads stay up for. Only a few days or weeks by the time I got round to doing it.