I’ve created a few things in public areas over the years. I was about 17 or 18 when I first did something out where other people would see it. I began changing local signs that were mostly already defaced or worn out. I liked the idea of amusing and confusing people, and making something that was graphic, half decently done and not just some typical scrawled graffiti.
Common Attributes
There are no set rules, but I generally try to make these works a combination of any of the following:
LOCAL – It’s usually too much bother or risk to go far from home. I might also not have access to unexpected resources if I was further away.
AUTHENTIC – If I’m basing a piece on something existing I will try to emulate it well.
AN IMPROVEMENT – Most of the time I create something new or improve something that was dull or spoiled.
AMUSING – If something can be funny as well nice to look at, then that’s all the better.
CONFUSING – Putting things in unexpected places or strange amounts of effort for peculiar things are good. Causing confusion is good.
PLEASANT – Having a positive or pleasing aspect to these works is often more important that just being weird or shocking.
RESPONSIBLE – There are some exceptions, but I generally try to be socially responsible and keep things non-sweary.
ENJOYABLE – Even if these don’t make sense, I hope that people get enjoyment out of seeing something unusual that some effort went into.