Post Box

A replica Post Box for my garden.
Not much work on my part here, but it’s a nice thing and I thought it was worth including anyway.
The place I worked had these around the building as post points. When a new company took over responsibilities for the area I worked in, they got rid of them all. I think they thought they were too interesting and it didn’t fit with their dull corporate view of everything. I ask the facilities people if I could possibly have one and to my surprise they said yes. I was slightly concerned that having two big red pieces of street furniture in my garden might look like weird overkill.
March 2016.
Development & Progress

Later / Current Status
I moved the post box by a few metres in 2022. It was subject to a bizarrely strong wind in June 2022 and the door came open. It didn’t shut properly and I removed it in an attempt to remedy it. I reattached it but I’d over-bent the hinges and it left an annoying gap. I may try to sort it out some time but I presently can’t be arsed.

In April 2024, the remaining goldfish I had in my pond was killed by a cat or bird, so I removed the pond and filled in the hole. The post box needed a new coat of paint and some adjustments and had previously been prone to the door blowing open in high winds so I decided to move it again.
From May 2024 the post box has stood where the pond was and looks like a sort of weird centrepiece sculpture.