Yeoman Warders (Beefeaters)

I’d bought a load of stuff in a blind auction from the theatrical suppliers and fancy dress warehouse, Homburgs, that was closing down. Amongst the stuff I bid and won on were the brilliant Beefeater uniforms that the iconic red and gold ceremonial Yeoman Warders wear. Those were stolen before I got to pick them up, but there were also two standard uniforms that they wear on a day to day basis when at the Tower of London.
The vast amount of stuff that Homburgs had over several floors of warehouse was vast. It actually makes me feel slightly sick to think how much variety of brilliant stuff I could have got and what I could have done with it.

Purchased March 2009. Enhanced May 2012.
There were only two tunics. as bought, so we had to buy trousers and add piping, Make hats from scratch, make belts, make bags. Much later I also made the Partisan Weapon, which isn’t necessary, but it’s an nice additional prop.
Amount of Work
Quite a bit of last minute work on making reasonably accurate brand new hats. We had hats meant for the stately red and gold uniforms but they didn’t match the uniform. Also had to move zip from bottoms of cushions to the top to make bags out of them. Piping on the trousers was fortunately done by my then girlfriend’s mother. As least she was good for something.
Level of use
London, most notably, but also York, Leeds and Haworth. Should only be seen in London of course.
I got engaged whilst wearing this on the Mall, in London. It was already doomed though and thank fuck it never came to be being married.
One of the tunics had genuine business cards for the Chief Yeoman Warder of the Tower of London. Up to that point we thought the uniforms were very good replicas.
Future use
It was last worn for the 4 day Platinum Jubilee weekend. I wore it to a different place on each of the 4 days. It’s hard to know when it would next be appropriate.
Making it

Further photos on tour

We were ordered to leave immediately. Fortunately we weren’t required to hand over the uniforms and the police weren’t called or anything.