Roman Citizen

I was having a Roman themed party in August 2010 and having some clothes other than just armour seemed like a good thing to have.

August 2010.
Toga and sash.
Amount of Work
Some fairly basic sewing.
Level of use
Wore it for just part of the Roman themed party I had.
Wasn’t worth bothering with really.
In reality, purple was the most expensive dye reserved for royalty and worth its weight in silver. 12,000 Muricidae sea snails (formerly known as Murex) would generate just 1.4g of dye. which would only be enough for an edge trim of a simple garment. A sash like this would be unlikely even for an emperor.
Future use
Seems unlikely when it’s quite dull and I have other magnificent costumes. I’d also have to make it more accurate by including a toga and not just be a rubbish tunic and an impossible sash.