RAF Officer – Tropical

Pretty much exactly the same reason as the main RAF uniform but I liked the look of this one too.

April 2003.
Tunic, trousers, a separate inappropriate pith helmet, but it went with it quite well in a way.
Amount of Work
Level of use
I wore this maybe three or four times out in public.
I took this with me to Crete in 2004, but my friend that I went with refused to go out if I wore it. A normal blue RAF cap would be worn with this, which I don’t like the idea of. It’s a shame they don’t have a beige cap to go with it.
Future use
The trousers are a 32″ waist. I’m at least 34″ now. The tunic might cover any bodging of fastening them, but I also can’t think when I might want to wear this.