Marty McFly

We were approaching the Back to the Future “Future Day” in 2015. There was no event happening, but I love the first two BTTF films and in 1985, 2015 seemed impossibly far into the future. I couldn’t let it pass by without paying homage to it in some way.

21st October 2015.
Aviator Sunglasses, Wig, Orange Body Warmer, Denim Jacket, Art in Revolution badge, Black Braces, Check Shirt, Burgundy T-shirt
Had already
Jeans, Trainers
Optional Extra
Almanac, Save the Clock Tower Flyer
Amount of Work
None, but it did take some eBay effort to get all the bits I wanted, even including the tiny detail of his correct badge.
Level of use
1 day in 2015.
Future use
Absolutely no reason why I would ever need or want to.
After a full day of not being noticed wearing Marty McFly clothes at work, I thought I’d go into town, just to be acknowledged at least once. Briggate, Albion Street, train station – nothing. Thought I’d increase my chances (and get a pint and some pizza) by going to hipster fucking central. I.e. Belgrave. I saw a poster stating that they were showing BTTF later in the evening and that fancy dress was encouraged, with prizes for the best.
NO WAY!!!!!
Of course I felt that I HAD to stay then.
Fortunately the competition was held before the film, and even if I wasn’t going to win the prizes, it was immediately clear that I was the best. Of course, no-one believed that I had turned up there by accident and I hadn’t made an effort for this specifically.
The crowd of maybe a couple of hundred or so made the right decision and gave me first place. Ego stroked and effort justified. However, it was no great victory as the 4 opponents were weak as FUCK. Got a £20 bar tab and a great model of Marty. I stayed for more than half the film, which was BTTF2 not BTTF, then I went home.
Further photos