The Idea of Children
I’ve never felt like I wanted to have children. I could barely imagine anything worse. My position on this has never softened and I am extremely pleased that this never happened to me. It’s an unpopular stance, but I maintain that I would rather lose a limb than be a parent. My position on not wanting children under any circumstances may have been one of many factors in the split I had with girlfriend MC.
In 2012 I compiled a list of pros and cons for having children…
Satisfy partner
Satisfy our parents
Mould a good person
Love & Affection
Fun & Entertainment
Massive Expense
Increased Debt
Huge Responsibility
Loss of free time
Loss of freedom
Sleep deprivation
Relationship stress
Ferrying to grandparents, Day-care, Nursery, Schools, Clubs, Friends etc.
Nappies – seeing, smelling, changing
Toilet Training
Helping with Homework
Possibility of disabilities
Failed Expectations – e.g. disabled, problematic, delinquent, socially inept
Inevitable illnesses and injuries
Screaming & Crying
Children’s toys
Books and television
Constant Worry
Lifelong Commitment
No (or radically different) holidays
No (or radically different) random days out
No (or radically different) pub visits
Hard work and effort
Teen Rebellion
Having to dumb down
Risk of complications to mother in childbirth
Physical Toll on us parents
Taking up Space
Having to teach and explain everything
Supporting Hobbies & Interests
World Population
Their potential future of social and global issues like unemployment and climate change etc.