Thoughts & Beliefs
Afterlife & Psychics
No-one has any psychic skills of any type. People that claim to do so are either purposeful fraudsters or just delusional. Psychics are shameless parasitic charlatan grief vultures.
The idea of another plane in which dead people still actually possess a disembodied consciousness doesn’t add up in any way whatsoever. It would also be an eternal nightmarish semi-existence of paradox, tedium and confusion.
There are lots of things to consider. Here are just some off the top of my head:
• Where would this place of afterlife be?
• Would they have a body in that realm?
• Would they eat and drink?
• if they did, where would that come from?
• Do they have relaxing time?
• How would they relax?
• Do they have a routine? How would that work? What would it involve?
• Is there day and night there? Can they sleep?
• What if they didn’t know anyone in life? Are they alone and bored?
• Can they make new friends in the afterlife, if so, what if people yet to die get pushed out or don’t like the new friends when they meet them?
• Do they have things we take for granted and enjoy like food, cinema, travel, sex, shopping, sport? It doesn’t seem likely. Sounds well boring.
• What if they loved someone that wasn’t also there?
• What if they loved a partner that died, they remarried again etc? Who do they spend time with or love in the afterlife?
• What if someone died and in life, from birth they were in need of constant care?
• What if all disabilities are gone in the afterlife, but the very thing that defined a person was their disabilities etc?
• Is everything for eternity? That sounds horrific!
• If dead people are watching us in this world, are they frustrated?
• Do they get angry or upset if we forget them or move on to find new loves?
• If what made you happy in life isn’t there, how could you possibly be happy or fulfilled?
• Are you in the afterlife with everyone that ever died in the past? Wouldn’t that be horribly over populated and chaotic? Would famous people be hounded and constantly bothered by fans like they were in life?
• How does death affect a person’s wealth, class, social status and possessions?
• Do we keep clothes? And if we were to only keep clothes, then why? If we have different generic clothes, then why? Damn are we all naked there? We must have some kind of bodies to see, and recognise anyone else. We can’t all have become genderless. Oh my god, this would be a sexual harassment and embarrassment nightmare.
• What if we don’t have any sort of form? How can that even begin to work?
• Why would we get to exist for eternity from the point of dying, but not at all until we were born? And if we did, why aren’t we aware of it?
• Can you die again in the afterlife?
• What if someone was a murderer or rapist, but some people loved them? How could the rapist/murderer etc. be there? How would their nearest and dearest cope if they weren’t?
• What if you died as an infant and hadn’t even learned to talk yet?

This list could go on much, much longer.
You can’t just say, but it would all work out in this other dimension, or that worldly issues such as these wouldn’t matter there. It just makes no logical sense at all.
The fact is, and it’s not even a sad one, that we are born, we exist for a mere blip in time and then cease to exist in the same way we didn’t exist before we were conceived. It’s a far more understandable and sensible logical scenario. And for me, a more comforting one. It’s better to live knowing you have one life and that having that at all is amazing and incredible, rather than hope that there’s something beyond where we can try to have part of it again, but with all the unknown craziness the questions above pose.
Of course, there’s no heaven or hell either. That’s all religious nonsense and doesn’t hold up to the least scrutiny.