
I’ve voted Liberal Democrat and Labour at different times. I did a test based on where I stood on various things and I was just about equally Liberal Democrat and Labour, so my voting history has matched up with that as expected. I could never vote Conservative.
I was staunchly against Brexit. I could see it for what it was and it was based on feeding ignorant people lies and nonsense. But of course, those people maintain that they knew what they were voting for. Largely because it’s easier to fool someone than convince them that they’ve been fooled.
Brexit was the most pig-headed self destructive thing we could possibly have done. There were never going to be any benefits whatsoever for most people. I found the whole affair to be deeply frustrating

My Political Compass scores are apparently:
Economic Left/Right: -5.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.82
I’ve occasionally voted Labour, but since they have no interest in attempting to re-join the EU, they’ll no longer get my vote.
Let’s not even get fully into Brexit. It boils my piss.
I’ve voted Liberal Democrats more often than note. Many would consider it a wasted vote, but you have to vote with your conscience.