Diet, Alcohol and Exercise
I am prepared to prepare a meal from scratch but I suppose I’m more prone to shoving something in the oven, mostly because I live alone and even if I make a meal from scratch I often have to freeze some of it.
I eat an ever decreasing amount of meat. Some foods turn my stomach to even think about. Seafood is simply the worst! Even including Prawn Cocktail crisps.
I eat quite unhealthily and I also drink alcohol every day apart from Wednesdays, just because I decided that there should be at least one day a week when I don’t. My weekly intake is way more units than would be safely recommended.
Almost every single morning I have two crumpets with spread and Marmite followed by a Tracker bar or similar and a mixture of fruity smoothies (from cartons).
I love pizza, but pretty much only ever eat Pepperoni pizzas or whatever is closest to it. Unless I’m in a restaurant, I usually reserve pizza for a Friday night binge with a film and some beers.
One thing I’ll occasionally take time out to make is stuffed baked potatoes. I used to put bacon bacon in them but now I use fake bacon along with mixed herbs, two or three types of cheese, diced chillies and garlic. I freeze them and then have them later by themselves or with other food.
My favourite condiment is hot pepper sauce. It makes everything better.
I do no proper exercise. I don’t feel like I can change that so I’ll skip writing any more of this in disgust with myself.