Computer and Console Games
Mac & PC
I never bothered with another console and just moved on to PC games. Although I’ve played on some other games, the six on this page have had monumental amounts of time thrown at them in the late 90s and early 2000s. I only really ever played Caesar 3 on the Mac, (but A LOT). I then bought it for the PC and played it even more. If I were to pick up gaming again I think I’d still gravitate towards its basic low resolution isometric city-building graphics instead of a new amazing FPS. I finished MOH Allied Assault, FarCry and Crysis which were all very enjoyable but I don’t think I finished any others even if they were great. As with any games on any platform, even on easy settings I have always struggled as I’m not a natural gamer. I could happily write multiple boring pages about the ones shown.
I got to briefly try VR gaming at work and it was amazing. I’d like to do it again but I can’t justify the time or cost involved.

There was a lot to enjoy in this game. It took a very long time but I think I eventually finished it.

FarCry was the first decent FPS game I played on the PC and I loved exploring luscious environments even if someone or something was always trying to kill you. It was just about possible to linger in areas like this and just pretend you were there on holiday for a few minutes.

Crysis was a great game and had some nice inventive stuff in it. The graphics were really good.

In this game you’re responsible for lots of things like farming, trading, religion, festivals, taxes, public baths, education, fire protection, policing, gentrification, entertainment, health, water supplies, government and industry etc. Just looking at this picture makes me want to pack this in and go play the game.

Another very similar city building game, with all the associated customs and practices of the Egyptians instead of the Romans. Very enjoyable.

A PC with good specifications made a well designed game a much more immersive experience even if I never finished it. It was very well done.
The game was set after the events of “Aliens” and ignored the 40 megaton nuclear explosion that Bishop predicted would “be the size of Nebraska”.