Computer and Console Games
Mac & PC
I never bothered with another console and just moved on to PC games. Although I’ve played on some other games, the six on this page have had monumental amounts of time thrown at them in the late 90s and early 2000s. I only really ever played Caesar 3 on the Mac, (but A LOT). I then bought it for the PC and played it even more. If I were to pick up gaming again I think I’d still gravitate towards its basic low resolution isometric city-building graphics instead of a new amazing FPS. I finished MOH Allied Assault, FarCry and Crysis which were all very enjoyable but I don’t think I finished any others even if they were great. As with any games on any platform, even on easy settings I have always struggled as I’m not a natural gamer. I could happily write multiple boring pages about the ones shown.
I got to briefly try VR gaming at work and it was amazing. I’d like to do it again but I can’t justify the time or cost involved.