Computer and Console Games
Amiga 500
When my parents divorced, my brother asked for an Amiga 500 computer. I would ultimately get the most use out of it. (I’d asked for a £500 Philips VCR because I liked TV and films more than games.)
It was an incredible leap from a Vic20 that we’d not used for many years.
The screen resolution in its most common mode was 640×512. The standard memory was 512Kb.
As well as games, I used the computer for pixel based graphics and illustration, but I don’t have any of the work saved digitally. I only have two examples of the work printed out (badly), like the Aliens one below.
I played probably over 100 different gameson the Amiga, but mostly the platform games Terminator 2, Robocop 2 and especially The New Zealand Story. These might even be the only ones I ever completed.

The game was a standard mix of platforms, vehicle chases and puzzles.

This game was also a combination of things like target ranges, puzzles and platforms.

I LOVED this platform game. It took me ages to get through it all. I must have started the game thousands of times.