A replacement TARDIS for the one I had to demolish, that would be made out of better materials.



About 8 months before I demolished the first TARDIS, I thought it would be a good idea to make new one out of better materials. The TARDIS had been such a great looking thing and it seemed wrong that it would only have lasted less than 5 years, but it was basically beyond repair.
Although some parts could have been re-used, I still had the old TARDIS up whilst the new one was being made, so everything was being re-made.
By the time I took down the original one, I’d lost enthusiasm for the second one, especially when I enjoyed the space again. You can see the second TARDIS at the back of the garage whilst the first one was being demolished in February 2010.
June 2009.
Development & Progress
Not much to say about this really. The photos just show it. It was only on short posts for space and convenience purposes. New full size posts would only be used when assembling outside.
Reason for Abandonment
Sourcing 25mm thick planed wood was proving almost impossible or incredibly expensive, so that kind of put an end to it. I could have tried 25mm plywood, but with so many exposed chamfered edges, I think it would have soon delaminated. You can get 27mm wood, but I think the extra 2mm would have been not just noticeable, but would have thrown out all the dimensions.

Chances of Revival
The base of the second TARDIS was part dismantles and increased in size to become the base for a shed I built in 2011..
Not a lot really. The TARDIS was really great, but you can get bored of looking at something if you see it every day. I’m not sure that having a TARDIS taking up all that space again would have been a good thing.